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viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

...y llegó Halloween!

La semana pasada, como es tradicional en nuestro Centro, celebramos Halloween. Desde el área de Inglés, realizamos una serie de actividades, donde nuestros alumnos/as se lo pasaron pipa a la vez que aprendían. Aquí van unas fotos donde se demuestra...

Nuestras teachers, nos comentan como fue Halloween:

Last week our children had the chance to learn about and celebrate Halloween. As always, Halloween was full of surprises. This year the children from level 5º and 6º both learnt a story about the origins of Halloween, and did some arts and crafts related to the characters of Halloween. Also, the children from 6ºA wrote a short play to act out with the youngest children. On the 29th of October we had a party where we learnt vocabulary and, more importantly, the cultural aspects of Halloween, which help to improve the children’s understanding of the English language.
Everybody learnt the song about ghosts, witches and pumpkins and the eldest children performed the trick or treat chant. The school was decorated with our children’s fantastic pictures and our skeleton was there to check that everything was done properly.
At the end of the week we were tired, but happy because it is very nice to know that our children love English and always try to do their best. The children’s motivation is very important to us, and these kind of cultural activities help us to achieve our objectives.

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