Bienvenidos a nuestro Blog. Publicaremos frecuentemente noticias sobre actividades y eventos de nuestro centro. Welcome to our Blog. We will publish news about the activites and events of our bilingual school frequently.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009


Aquí os presentamos un video de algunos de nuestros alumnos/a de cuarto sobre el funcionamiento del aparato digestivo. Esta actividad se desarrolló en las clases bilingües.

In 4th grade bilingual we're working with the digestive system. Here we talk about how the food moves through the organs of the digestive system. "The digestive system starts in the mouth.... and finishes in the anus."

Do you know the organs of the digestive system?????

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009


Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States of America. We celebrate it the 4th Thursday of November every year. This year Thanksgiving is Thursday, the 26th of November 2009. We have been working with the story of Thanksgiving and a song in school this year. Would you like to learn the story?

Once upon a time.... Once upon a time... Once upon a time...
There were some European people called the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were very unhappy so they got in a boat and they came to America. In America they were happy BUT they were very cold, they had no food and no friends. One day they met the Indians. The Indians were very nice. They helped the Pilgrims plant corn, squash and hunt turkey. They all became friends. Now, the last Thursday in November we celebrate the Pilgrims and the Indians by eating a very big Thanksgiving feast of turkey.
And that's all... And that's all... And that's all...

Did you like the story? We enjoy the story because we make sounds each time we see a red word. What sound do you make for very cold?

We also sang a Thanksgiving song:

I’m a turkey, big and fat.
I spread my tail. I walk like that.
Each days corn I will not miss.
And when I talk, I sound like this:
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!

It's very fun to sing! Would you like to learn more about Thanksgiving? You can follow this link to learn another Thanksgiving story.
Did you understand all the vocabulary? You can follow this link to a dictionary.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

Halloween at Miguel de Cervantes!

Happy Halloween! Halloween is October 31st and we celebrated it two days at Miguel de Cervantes. We had a Halloween party on Thursday and Friday.

Here is a picture of our decorated Halloween classroom.

All the English teachers dressed up in costumes. At our party we sang songs. We sang the "Hallowee Shake" and danced.

Here is a picture of Casey, Mercedes and Maria José, the English teachers.

We had two visitors to help us with Halloween. My friends Cassandra and Meaghan. On Friday they helped us with the story and the monster lab. Thank you Cassandra and Meaghan!

We really enjoyed Halloween. We can't wait until next year!

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

English Corner

Hola a tod@s! Como sabéis nuestr@s compañer@s de 6º y algunos de 5º de Primaria se encuentran en Jérica (Castellon) realizando un curso de Inmersión Linguistica. Están aprendiendo mucho Inglés, haciendo actividades lúdicas y didácticas muy interesantes.

Ya conocéis cual es la trayectoria de nuestro Centro en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del idioma extranjero(Inglés). Empezamos con un Proyecto Comenius en el que durante tres años hemos trabajado conjuntamente con un Centro de Oxford y otro Centro alemán. La Consejería de Educación y el Organismo Autónomo de Programas Europeos nos han reconocido nuestra labor educativa con la entrega de una placa, hecho del que nos sentimos muy orgullos@s.

Este es el segundo curso que somos un Centro Bilingüe y por primera vez los alumn@s de Infantil también lo son. Esperamos seguir creciendo en el desarrollo de las Competencias Comunicativas en Inglés.

Desde aquí podéis ver las actividades que están realizando nuestr@s compañer@s en el Campamento de Jérica. Pincha en el enlace